GSK Data Academy

Develop your skills in data analytics, data science and AI

For employees of


GSK's Digital Transformation and Data Strategy

GSK has teamed up with Cambridge Spark to deliver Data Science, Analytics & AI learning programmes to support the worldwide research and development, pharma supply chain and enabling functions.

GSK is committed to transforming the way the company uses digital platforms and data to improve health outcomes and the experience of patients, providers and payers. Our focus is on uncovering blind spots in patients’ journeys and working to use insights from data to deliver a more integrated experience. At the core of this objective is a focus on learning and development for those employees who use data on a daily basis.

As part of this strategy we have teamed up with Cambridge Spark to deliver apprenticeship programmes to support the worldwide research and development, pharma supply chain and enabling functions. The programmes consist of applied practical learning through live workshops, real world-simulated assignments and work-based projects. Learners are also supported by a personal coach and technical mentors.

Apprenticeship Programmes

Apprenticeships provide a well-defined route for internal talent development in England. They are open to new and existing employees in full-time roles working with data. Funded by the Apprenticeship Levy, apprenticeships are a cost-effective way to upskill employees in analytics, data science and AI.

Available Programmes


Data Citizen

13-month Data Citizen Apprenticeship (Level 3)

Master the essential mindset, tools and skills to thrive in a data-driven organisation.

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Over the duration of the programme, Cambridge Spark's Level 3 Data Citizen Apprenticeship equips employees with a data-driven mindset and teaches the core skills and concepts to work with data in their daily work.

It covers the fundamental tools and techniques used in data analysis and visualisation (with options to learn Power BI, Tableau and Qlik). Participants learn how to work with real-world datasets and gain a solid foundation in data-driven decision making.

Core Modules
  • The Value of Data
  • Future of Learning and Careers in Data
  • Data Concepts
  • Basic Numbers for Data Analysis
  • Data Sourcing & Integration
  • Data Preparation, Quality & Validation
  • Excel for Data Analysis
  • Charts and Visualisation
  • Dashboarding Tools
  • Storytelling & Presenting with Data
  • Reporting & Actioning Insights
  • Data Storage, Compliance & Security
  • Introduction to Python with Coding

Apprenticeship-levy funded

For employees based in England, training is funded by the UK government’s Apprenticeship Levy scheme, meaning there is no direct cost to the employer. Learners complete the training as an apprenticeship and receive a nationally recognised apprenticeship certificate.


Training is funded by the employer. The training includes all the same modules as the apprenticeship, but without the requirements and commitments. For more flexibility, learning content can be customised to meet budget, timescales and skills requirements.


Data Analyst

14-month Data Analyst Apprenticeship (Level 4)

Break out of the limitations of spreadsheets to leverage the analytics power of Python, SQL and introductory machine learning.

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Build the data analytics capability you need to maintain your competitive advantage and increase productivity across your organisation. Over the duration of the programme, Cambridge Spark's Level 4 Data Analyst Apprenticeship equips employees with the skills to apply data analytics in the workplace.

From day one, we teach Python - the most popular programming language for data analytics and key for maximising the impact of data analysis. The programme builds competence with essential Python libraries including Pandas and Numpy, data visualisation tools like Seaborn and matplotlib, working on databases with SQL and testing code in a production environment.

Core Modules
  • Introduction to Python
  • Data Processing with Pandas
  • Data Visualisation
  • Power BI and Tableau
  • Data Science for Business
  • Databases and SQL
  • Text Mining, JSON and APIs
  • Hackathon
  • Maths for Data Science
  • Introduction to Machine Learning
  • Time Series Analysis
  • Big Data Systems
  • Data Privacy, Ethics and Regulations
Elective e-Learning Modules
  • Supervised Learning
  • Unsupervised Learning
  • Advanced Maths for Data Science

Apprenticeship-levy funded

For employees based in England, training is funded by the UK government’s Apprenticeship Levy scheme, meaning there is no direct cost to the employer. Learners complete the training as an apprenticeship and receive a nationally recognised apprenticeship certificate.


Training is funded by the employer. The training includes all the same modules as the apprenticeship, but without the requirements and commitments. For more flexibility, learning content can be customised to meet budget, timescales and skills requirements.


Digital Business Analyst

14-month Digital Business Analyst Apprenticeship (Level 4)

Accelerate digital transformation with the skillset to manage and implement transformational digital projects

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Over the duration of the programme, Cambridge Spark's Level 4 Digital Business Analyst Apprenticeship equips employees with the skills to identify opportunities for new digital solutions and manage the digital transformation process.

The programme builds the ability to analyse business processes and user requirements , as well as the skills to manage change and development.

Core Modules
  • The Digital Business
  • Emerging Technologies in Digital and Data
  • Digital Growth Mindset
  • Business Analysis and Problem Solving
  • Data-Driven Decision Making
  • Process Modelling for Digital Transformation
  • Digital Tools and Processes
  • Stakeholder Management
  • Business Requirements and User-Centric Design
  • Digital Leadership and Change Management
  • Storytelling with Data
  • The Ethics of Data and Digital Transformation
  • Data for Competitive Advantage
Business Analyst Product Pathway
For employees working in a Product focussed role, the BA Product Pathway is an optional elective that applies analytical skills to understanding and prioritising the features and requirements of a B2B digital product.
  • Data Analysis for Product Managers
  • Storytelling for Product Managers


Digital Product Manager

14-month Digital Product Manager Apprenticeship (Level 4)

Deliver customer value by developing user-centric digital product management talent

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Over the duration of the programme, Cambridge Spark's Level 4 Digital Product Manager Apprenticeship equips employees with the skills to manage the product lifecycle for new digital products that are transforming organisations.

The programme develops a user-centric design approach focussed on business requirements, building the skills to use data to understand the entire product lifecycle and an understanding of the impact of AI on their product.

Core Modules
  • Customer-Driven Product Management
  • Stakeholder Management and Effective Communication
  • User Centric Design
  • Data Analysis for Product Management
  • Digital Product Planning
  • Digital Product Development
  • Managing Digital Products
Elective Modules
  • Leveraging AI for Product Management
  • Product Management for AI and data products

Apprenticeship-levy funded

For employees based in England, training is funded by the UK government’s Apprenticeship Levy scheme, meaning there is no direct cost to the employer. Learners complete the training as an apprenticeship and receive a nationally recognised apprenticeship certificate.


Training is funded by the employer. The training includes all the same modules as the apprenticeship, but without the requirements and commitments. For more flexibility, learning content can be customised to meet budget, timescales and skills requirements.


Data Engineer

14-month Data Engineer Apprenticeship (Level 5)

Leading data engineering for AI transformation

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Develop key internal capabilities to raise the usability of critical datasets in your organisation. Cambridge Spark's Level 5 Data Engineer Apprenticeship equips learners with core technical and leadership skills.

Core Modules

  • Python for Data Engineering
  • Data Engineering Concepts
  • Databases, SQL and NoSQL
  • Data Modelling
  • DevOps and Containerisation
  • Data Quality, Governance and Ethics
  • Data Pipelines and Automation
  • Data Product Design
  • Data Product Implementation
  • Advanced Data Engineering Techniques
  • Emerging Trends and Technologies

Apprenticeship-levy funded

For employees based in England, training is funded by the UK government’s Apprenticeship Levy scheme, meaning there is no direct cost to the employer. Learners complete the training as an apprenticeship and receive a nationally recognised apprenticeship certificate.


Training is funded by the employer. The training includes all the same modules as the apprenticeship, but without the requirements and commitments. For more flexibility, learning content can be customised to meet budget, timescales and skills requirements.


AI & Data Science Apprenticeship

15-month AI and Data Science Apprenticeship (Level 7)

Build and productionise predictive models by leveraging machine learning and data science tools and techniques.

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Over the duration of the programme, Cambridge Spark's Level 7 AI and Data Science Apprenticeship equips employees with the skills to deliver transformational data science projects that drive competitive advantage.

The technical curriculum covers critical tools and techniques required including deep learning, supervised and unsupervised learning and product management for AI.

Core Modules
  • The Data Science Toolbox
  • Introduction to Machine Learning
  • Product Management for AI
  • Supervised Classification
  • Ensemble Methods
  • Pragmatic Model Evaluation
  • Unsupervised Learning
  • The AI Landscape
  • Time Series Analysis
  • Practical Hackathon
  • Neural Networks and Deep Learning
  • Model Explainability and Interpretability
MLOps Elective Specialist Pathway
  • Software data practices for data scientists
  • Software Testing for Data Science
  • Machine Learning in Production
DataOps Elective Specialist Pathway
  • Databases SQL and noSQL
  • Big data systems
  • Principles of cloud computing
Advanced Data Science Elective Specialist Pathway
  • Natural language processing
  • Recommender systems
  • Bayesian ML and Gaussian processes

Apprenticeship-levy funded

For employees based in England, training is funded by the UK government’s Apprenticeship Levy scheme, meaning there is no direct cost to the employer. Learners complete the training as an apprenticeship and receive a nationally recognised apprenticeship certificate.


Training is funded by the employer. The training includes all the same modules as the apprenticeship, but without the requirements and commitments. For more flexibility, learning content can be customised to meet budget, timescales and skills requirements.

Which programme is right for you?

Data Citizen Apprenticeship (Level 3)

Suitable for those:

  • Regularly using spreadsheets in their work
  • Often using spreadsheets or other sources to provide insight to colleagues
  • Manually creating reports with tools like Excel
  • Looking to use data to increase their productivity

Data Analyst Apprenticeship (Level 4)

Suitable for those:

  • Proficient using spreadsheets and other IT software
  • Currently working with lots of data in large spreadsheets
  • Can identify how they will apply data analytics in their role to create business impact
  • Comfortable with algebra

Digital Business Analyst Apprenticeship (Level 4)

Suitable for those:

  • Working to introduce digital and data-driven products, approaches or tools as part of the their organisation’s digital transformation
  • Will have access to business modelling tools
  • Able to apply business analysis skills to specific projects at work

Digital Product Manager Apprenticeship (Level 4)

Suitable for those:

  • Responsible for managing the product lifecycle, possibly with the support of a senior colleague
  • Working collaboratively with other teams such as Engineering and engaging with other product stakeholders
  • Can access and use feedback to reiterate the product and inform decisions

Data Engineer Apprenticeship (Level 5)

Suitable for those:

  • Looking to develop skills in Python, SQL, data modelling approaches, software testing, git, CI/CD and DevOps mindset
  • Pursuing a junior data engineering role

AI & Data Science Apprenticeship (Level 7)

Suitable for those:

  • Regularly using Python in their work or can have the opportunity to
  • Proficient with both statistics and linear algebra
  • Working in a role where they are regularly using and analysing data 
  • Looking to build predictive models and can identify use cases within their work for predictive models

Funding Options

Training programmes can be funded in two ways:

Apprenticeship-levy funded

For employees based in England, training is funded by the UK government’s Apprenticeship Levy scheme, meaning there is no direct cost to the employer. Learners complete the training as an apprenticeship and receive a nationally recognised apprenticeship certificate. 

Apprenticeship requirements:

  • Employed in England and resident in the UK or EEA for the last 3 years.
  • Employees working at least 30 hours a week (part-time employees can be considered for a minimum cohort size)
  • Can commit to the minimum 6 hours a week on the job learning requirement for the duration of the programme
  • Work-based projects are completed as part of a portfolio
  • Apprentices and managers attend regular coaching sessions and progress reviews
  • End point assessments must be completed to receive certification
  • Individuals must meet the eligibility criteria set by the apprenticeship


Training is funded by the employer. The training includes all the same modules as the apprenticeship, but without the requirements and commitments. For more flexibility, learning content can be customised to meet budget, timescales and skills requirements.

About this route:

  • Learning can be undertaken at any time 
  • No requirements to complete assignments, assessments or projects
  • Programmes can be customised for teams 
  • The length of the programme can be adapted to suit

The employer-funded route would suit those who are either looking for more flexibility, are not eligible for funding or are not suitable for an apprenticeship. Some examples would include individuals who are:

  • Not based in England
  • In roles where they are not able/not looking to apply their skills or build a portfolio of projects e.g. could be a manager or director managing a Data focused team or project  
  • In need of greater flexibility e.g. those who don't need a full programme and are only looking for a shorter more targeted set of modules
  • Cannot / do not want to commit a minimum of  6 of their normal working hours to learning e.g. senior leaders or directors

The Learning Experience

Experiential learning

We apply an approach of blended experiential learning through a mixture of interactive, instructor-led workshops and hands-on practice using Jupyter notebooks and EDUKATE.AI, creating the optimum balance between theoretical and practical learning.

This accelerates learning and equips learners with the ability to apply their skills and knowledge in practice, guaranteeing ROI.

EDUKATE.AI - learning and assessment platform with instant feedback.

L4 Data Analyst Webinar


EDUKATE.AI is Cambridge Spark’s proprietary learning platform for data science.

Developed with funding from InnovateUK and in collaboration with Cambridge University, EDUKATE.AI is a smart system that allows learners to experience and experiment with real-world simulated projects whilst receiving immediate and personalised feedback and recommendations on their code.

Integrated into the platform are video lectures and learning resources for a complete learning experience. EDUKATE.AI is in itself a standalone, industry-leading virtual learning solution for data, analytics and AI.

Powered by our teaching engine K.A.T.E.®, what makes it unique is that it's focused on production-ready data science code rather than ‘toy’ learning examples and exercises, simulating a real working environment.

With access to EDUKATE.AI you will get:
Multiple practical real-world simulated assignments with immediate and personalised feedback and ticketed tutor support for every module
Interactive instructor-led video workshops with notebook exercises
Tutor-led live-coded assignment solution videos

Read more about EDUKATE.AI here


Best-in-class Virtual Learning

Attend live workshops (or catch up with recordings): All of our live workshops are recorded and available afterwards so no matter what, you have ultimate flexibility and can always catch up.

Live 1:1 tutor support in every class: All our live, virtual instructor-led sessions have both a lecturer and at least one tutor on hand to answer questions and support learners, ensuring fewer disruptions and a more personal experience.

Instant Q&A: While one expert leads the virtual training sessions, tutors are also on hand for instant Q&A via the messaging platform.

Interactive, hands-on learning: Throughout the training programme and lectures, learners will complete exercises in Jupyter Notebooks and have access to EDUKATE.AI® to practice the skills they’ve learnt.

Study groups: Learners have access to a Slack community, where they can come together to chat, socialise and discuss what they are learning and working on.

Learning Experience-2


Case Studies

The technical skills already being applied in various departments are making waves throughout GSK’s UK and global teams. One solution developed by an apprentice allowed for over £30,000 savings due to task automation via a Python script.

“I wanted to get a strong grip on Python as a programming language and develop an understanding of data analysis. GSK collects a lot of data in various formats, with the right skill set, I would be able to identify patterns and unlock value for my team”.

Saad Abdullah, Apprentice

The L4 Data Analyst Academy accelerates learning and ensures ROI by allowing apprentices to work on a real-world data problem in the context of their business. Read the full case study here.

Our Delivery Partner

Cambridge Spark is a leader in transformational data science and AI training. Their pioneering training programmes are built on their proprietary AI-powered learning and assessment platform, EDUKATE.AI®, to accelerate the tech capability of both individuals and organisations.

Expert designed curriculum

Apprenticeship and Degree Apprenticeship Programmes are designed by Data Scientists and Data Analysts working in industry, for industry

Instant feedback 24/7 with EDUKATE.AI®

Learners are given instant feedback that’s aligned with standards such as PEP8, Pylint, Cyclomatic Complexity and Unit Tests, as well as machine learning metrics such as accuracy, F1 score, MSE and the confusion matrix.

Work-based projects and portfolios

Learners gain applied practical experience through completing real-world data problems. Programmes are focused on enabling learners to apply new skills into their work right away, driving value for the business and ensuring ROI.

Innovative virtual learning solutions

Live, instructor-led virtual learning sessions have been specifically designed for group remote learning. Training takes place over high-quality video and audio, creating a virtual classroom. Learners also have access to break out rooms, supported by Slack, where they can come together to chat, socialise and discuss the training.

Teaching & coaching from professionals

The very fabric of Cambridge Spark is deeply-rooted in academia, with the teaching and coaching team consisting of PhD’s from the UK’s best universities, and professionals with backgrounds in world-renowned Machine Learning organisations, such as Google, Microsoft, Goldman Sachs, Amazon, and Morgan Stanley.

Apprenticeship FAQs

What are apprenticeships?

Apprenticeships are a long-term training commitment which seek to upskill existing UK-based employees within an organisation, enabling employers to foster a workforce consisting of highly-skilled and highly-engaged talent.

They typically run over 12-24 months and include 6-8 hours off-the-job training, enabling a blended approach between theory and practical-learning.

Who is eligible for apprenticeships?

Apprenticeships are open to anyone in full-time employment in England. They are open to current as well as new employees, people of any age, and even those with previous qualifications.

Apprenticeships can be for people early in their careers as well as experienced talent looking to advance their skill set or change careers, which is increasingly necessary as the world of work changes.

How are apprenticeships funded?

In England, if you are a large organisation with annual salaries over £3m you can have your apprenticeships 100% funded by the government through the apprenticeship levy. Employers who do not fall into this group can either have 95% funded by the government (and pay just 5%) or can have levy transferred from another levy-paying organisation to have them 100% funded.

What does off-the-job training mean?

Off-the-job training is defined as learning which is undertaken outside of the day-to-day work duties and it must take place within the apprentice’s normal working hours.

It can be delivered on a flexible basis, for example, as part of each day, one day per week, one week out of five, or as block release, and can be carried out at the apprentice’s place of work or from home.

The 6-8 hours off-the-job training provides learners with the time to focus and develop the required skills, knowledge, and behaviours to achieve the apprenticeship

Register your interest in our Apprenticeships